Privacy Policy
Daylight Squad uses a simple and straight-forward privacy policy. Please see the points below to learn when and what kind of information we may collect.
Updated: 23.01.2021 (app version: 1.0.0)
1. First of all, please occasionally come back and review this privacy policy. It may change over time.
1a. We add the latest app version in parenthesis above for easier update tracking. You can check your app version in-game, in the Settings menu.
2. Daylight Squad uses some third-party services to help us improve the game.
2a. The game doesn't include any privacy-invading services, like contacts or location tracking, but we may save your gameplay results and progress for analytics (this kind of data usually does not allow for anyone to identify a player in any way - think, best lap times, unlocked items, gameplay time etc.)
2b. If at all, we use Google AdSense for analytics. By using the app you agree for us logging and processing some or all app usage information there. In case we consciously log information that is commonly regarded as "important" or "private" - we will nevertheless try to let you know beforehand with a pop-up, and let you opt-out whenever possible. If it happens that we did log sensitive information without permission, you can ask us at any time to erase this data.
3. Daylight Squad uses AdMob, and it's third-party partners, to display ads. Please review privacy policy of AdMob and Google in case they collect any data when displaying these ads. We aren't in control of this part.
4. We reserve right to adjust this privacy policy in the future, as the game evolves and features change.
Questions? Let us know on